The JPSS-2 customer provided commendations to the JPSS Flight Dynamics Analysis Team, for providing outstanding support to the JPSS Program and JPSS Flight Project during preparation leading up to the JPSS-2 launch, as well as the launch and orbit raising campaign. Their foresighted preparation for the launch campaign and quick response to questions during the campaign were huge contributing factors to the success of the JPSS-2 launch and orbit raising campaign.
The team was incredibly proactive leading up to the JPSS-2 launch on November 10. Well before launch, they identified the need and created an Orbital Ascent Trajectory Planner tool, which subsequently allowed the team to quickly answer questions from JPSS Program, the JPSS Flight Project, and the JPSS Flight Project’s Mission Operations Support Team (MOST) during the actual ascent campaign and was key to the attainment of a high-quality frozen orbit for JPSS-2. They identified numerous potential contingency scenarios and generated a ‘playbook’ with possible solutions for each contingency. The team also realized the need to perform Conjunction Assessment (CA) analysis between JPSS-2 and the two on orbit spacecraft in the constellation. They utilized the results of their CA analysis in the creation of one-minute launch window cutouts for each launch window (~35 minutes/day), which were successfully used by the Launch Director during a delay on the day of launch to quickly identify the time for the next launch opportunity. The JPSS Flight Dynamics Analysis Team’s proactive stance, detailed analyses, and rapid response to the JPSS Program and the MOST were crucial to the success of the JPSS-2 launch and orbit raising campaign.
OPR was awarded the Flight Dynamics Support Services III contract in 2019.